Farewell ELISA... Hello HANGAR M8

18.11.2024 Tomislav Kovačević

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More than 3 years ago, on 5th of August 2021 ELISA was born. Our project, developed mostly in secret, was ready to face the world and we were very excited to share it with everyone! This marked the beginning of our growth and evolution, a journey we are grateful You have accompanied us on.

However, a main characteristic of evolution is a constant need for change and modification. And since ELISA name simply doesn't cover all we have to offer, while also being shared with other brand names, we decided a name change to HANGAR MATE was a correct way to go. But don't worry, like ELISA, Hangar M8 will be Your best mate in aircraft maintenance. Only... a bit better. 

Together with the updated look and more streamlined User Interface, Hangar M8 will also bring some new features in the next few months:

  • Technical Training Manuals for select aircraft types
  • Job Finder with new and innovative payment options 
  • Technical Training Finder for select aircraft types

To continue using Hangar M8 with current and future new features, just continue logging in through our new Login screen https://www.hangarm8.com/webapp/login

If You're using an Android mobile, download our free app from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hangarm8.app&pcampaignid=web_share

And at last, a BIG THANK YOU to all our valued Users for You continued trust and support. None of this would have been possible without You! We are looking forward to continue this amazing journey with You!

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